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Jon Martin Fort Collins, CO
General Information: Year: 2001 Exterior Color: Titanium Silver Metallic Interior Color: Black Nappa Engine: S54
Production Stats: Total Number with S54 Engine: 678 Total Number for 2001 Model Year: 338 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic: 544 Total Number with Black Nappa: 1273 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa: 363 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa with a Sunroof: 309 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa with S54 Engine: 132 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa for 2001 Model Year: 74 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa and S54 Engine with a Sunroof: 113 Total Number in Titanium Silver Metallic over Black Nappa for 2001 Model Year with a Sunroof: 60
Miami, FL - $94,995.00 10,542 miles
North Andover, MA - $125,900.00 7,489 miles
Salem, NH - $15,000.00 130,000 miles
Naperville, IL - $59,800.00 47,678 miles
CA - $32,000.00 118,046 miles