For quite a few years before a full scale M Coupe was a financial possibility, I searched high and low for a 1:18 scale model to complement my model collection. Being the picky buyer I am, the normal cosmos black store sold UT model didn’t cut it for me. I wanted the silver model. For a while, I wasn’t sure this model even existed. My only evidence was a single photo posted on Car Domain, but that was enough to keep me going. I eventually found out that it did exist but could only be purchased through dealers and there obviously were not very many of them.
I searched Ebay, emailed dealers and contacted model resellers for several years before one fateful night in 2006. On my nightly Ebay search for “1:18 m coupe”, there it was: a 1:18 scale silver, M Coupe. And better yet, it had a buy it now. And even better still, it was only $45 with free shipping. I wondered why no one had purchased it yet because even the more common cosmos black coupes were selling for at least that. I check the posted date and saw it had been listed 2 minutes ago. I ran full-speed upstairs to confirm with my new wife that it was OK to pull the trigger on what was then the most expensive model I had ever purchased. After receiving the confirmation, I raced back downstairs and hit buy-it-now before even sitting down. It was mine. I still thank her from time to time for letting me splurge a little before we had much extra money.
It came 3 days later packaged in a small, plain, black box with silver BMW letters across the top front. At first I was worried that it had been mistakenly listed as a 1:18 scale as the box looked tiny. But when I opened it my doubts were relieved as the box was fitted like a glove and my beautiful coupe awaited. As with all the 1:18 scale UT coupe models, you receive the European version complete with headlight washers, clear front corner lights, European license plates and revised hatch, and a beautiful S50 engine. And it’s a sunroof-delete! The hood and doors open, but the rear hatch does not.

There are several people on Bimmerforums that I have heard have one as well. Good luck trying to get them to sell though. For those interested in trying to track one down it is BMW part number 8043 0020 856. BMW offered scale models of the M Coupe in the following variations:
- 1:18 UT Arctic Silver with Black interior – Part No. 8043 0020 856
I’m guessing Arctic rather than Titanium model because it’s listed as a 1998
- 1:18 UT Cosmos Black with Kyalami Orange interior – Part No. 8043 9422 193
Also available as consumer version and some think the interior is actually Imola Red
- 1:18 UT Estoril Blue with Black interior – Part No. 8043 9422 194
Also available as consumer version
- 1:18 Imola Red with Imola Red Interior
This wasn’t sold through BMW but was a consumer version
- 1:43 Schuco Estoril Blue – Part No. 8043 0020 856
- 1:43 Schuco Blue? – Part No. 8042 9422 195
- 1:43 Schuco Imola Red – Part No. 8042 9422 196
- 1:73 Schuco Cosmos Black – Part No. 8042 9423 172
- 1:87 Herpa Silver – Part No. 8041 9423 112
- 1:87 Herpa Estoril Blue – Part No. 8041 9423 113
Since purchased, my silver M Coupe has been sitting just to the right of my computer monitor. Free for me to gaze at throughout the day and motivate me to keep working hard toward the purchase of a full-size one.