In doing these projects coupes, we have found that many coupe-specific parts are getting either hard to find or very expensive. It takes some luck and/or creativity to gather all the parts you may need. The cool part about buying "used" parts is that they come with some history. I was in the garage looking at the project coupe the other day and realized it now has parts from a lot of very cool coupes. Not only will the buyer of this coupe be getting a well-sorted, beautiful, and fun to drive car; but they will also be getting a piece of coupe history

Randy Forbes's Twin-Screw Supercharged Coupe
Kidney Grills
Bumper Lights
I never loved the black kidney grills and blacked out bumper lights on the silver coupe. We were lucky to find the former owner of what is now Randy's coupe selling some odds and ends she had left over including these parts. This coupe was the first coupe Randy worked on when he started his own business, and he later purchased it.

Byron's Twin-Screw Supercharged Coupe
Head Unit
Byron sold us his original audio equipment for the previous project coupe. That coupe's wires were too hacked up to easily revert back to stock, so we hung onto the parts for future use. I'm thankful that we did. His coupe is somewhat of a unicorn because very few have ever seen it in person. It has never made it all the way down to Dorkfest since the engine changes. It has had both a Euro S50 engine swap and now a Eurosport twinscrew supercharger. It's also now rocking my favorite Kinesis K59 wheels.

Curtis's Coupe
Audio Cables
Passenger Door Lock Actuator
Lots of Odds and Ends
Unfortunately Curtis's coupe was totaled. Fortunately for us, Mark was able to help him part it out which came in very handy. Curtis's coupe was best known for his OEM Aero package bumper, Rondell Type 21 wheels and the crazy snow camo vinyl it wore a couple years ago.

Willis's Supercharged Coupe
Bilstein Sports with TC Kline Springs
Willis is a fellow Coloradoan and manager of the Z3 M Coupe Enthusiasts page on Facebook. He recently upgraded his supercharged coupe with coilovers, so we were lucky enough to obtain his Bilstein Sport Struts/Shocks with TC Kline springs. You'll recognize his coupe most easily by his Livery Delta wheels.

Rob's Coupe
Glovebox Kit
Rob is the co-organizer of Dorkfest and has an awesome Topaz Blue Z3 Coupe with the factory aero kit, extended topaz interior and lots more. Rob replaced his glove box with the European version so he no longer needed his glove box fix kit. Score.
New Parts
Almost all of our new parts were purchased through Ed at BimmerBum. His service is great and his prices are less than the local dealer including the CCA discount. Plus you get to support a fellow coupe owner. Thanks Ed!